Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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Can someone take me back?

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Overdue, but supplying me with a high dose of wanderlust on my first day back at uni, here's a few photos and a video of my two and a half week trip to the tropical island of Hawaii. I was lucky enough to have a multitude of experiences - from trekking up canyons, cave exploring on a speedboat and hiking around volcanos, to shopping 'till my travel card was crying, eating scrumptous acai bowls and lugging all the shopping goodness back home in two extra suitcases.

Sephora was a dream, surfing was pretty fantastic. Fourth of July was beautiful and Honolulu was stunning. One Cheesecake Factory experience was definitely not enough. But it was great to have a vacation and to asking my sister to film bits and pieces for me. It's all in the video...see for yourself!


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